I really enjoy the books of Dr. Perricone. I think that he knows what he's talking about. This book continues the philosophy of his other publications: chronic inflammation (or the love of pro-inflammatory foods) is the root of all physiological evil. This book focuses on cellular rejuvenation, in particular, the need to protect the mitochondria (the powerhouse of the cell and site for ATP production, as we all learned...
Dr. Perricone, you are welcome in my house anytime! Thanks to you, I have an "anti-aging kitchen" exactly as you advised in the book. This big change caused quite a stir in my house. You inspired me to go through the cabinets, pantry and refrigerator and throw out everything that was not good for me. It wasn't easy - but all those cans, boxes and jars of food with horrendous ingredients are gone, gone, gone, and most of...
Despite having read all of his prior books, I was pleased to find that Perricone covers a lot of new ground in 7 Secrets, while recapping his core principles (avoid inflammatory foods, for one) in a fresh, streamlined manner salted heavily with new information. I found the info on pheromones and caralluma (for weight control) very interesting, and liked the Anti-Aging Kitchen chapter...good info on oils and cookware, etc...
I originally bought this book for the reference to the T-Tapp exercise program, but have found that the insight provided into diet, exercise, stress management, cooking and environmental factors have made this book a true joy to read and one that I will recommend and share with everyone I know.
I specifically bought this book due to the T-Tapp references and content in Dr. Perricones prescriptives for anti-inflammatory - and thus disease preventive - exercise. I must say I have been most notably impressed with the forward-thinking Dr. Perricone for his comprehensive study of the inflammatory response to diet, exercise, and environmental factors. In a logically developed manner, Dr. Perricone explains the inflammation...