Doctor Nikola is a novel by Guy Newell Boothby, first published in 1896. The book is a thrilling adventure story that follows the exploits of Doctor Nikola, a mysterious and enigmatic figure who possesses incredible powers and knowledge. The story takes place in London and Egypt,...
Doctor Nikola is a novel written by Guy Newell Boothby and published in 1896. The story follows the adventures of a mysterious and enigmatic figure named Doctor Nikola, who is portrayed as a brilliant and ruthless villain. The novel is set in the late 19th century and takes place...
Doctor Nikola is a novel written by Guy Newell Boothby and first published in 1896. The story revolves around a mysterious and enigmatic character named Doctor Nikola, who is a mastermind of the occult and possesses supernatural powers. He is a man of immense wealth, intelligence,...
Det var L rdag Eftermiddag, omtrent et Kvarter over fire, hvis jeg husker rigtigt, og Maluvejen, der f rer til "den boblende Kilde", det eneste Sted i Shanghai, hvor man kunde tr kke Vejret, var overfyldt af elegante Vogne, Ponyer, Cykler, for ikke at tale om alle Slags Jinrickshawer,...
Det var L rdag Eftermiddag, omtrent et Kvarter over fire, hvis jeg husker rigtigt, og Maluvejen, der f rer til "den boblende Kilde," det eneste Sted i Shanghai, hvor man kunde tr kke Vejret, var overfyldt af elegante Vogne, Ponyer, Cykler, for ikke at tale om alle Slags Jinrickshawer,...