It's Nikki Maxwell's birthday Will it be a blast or a bust? Find out in Nikki's newest diary, the thirteenth installment in the #1 New York Times blockbuster bestselling Dork Diaries series Nikki and her BFFs Chloe and Zoey have been planning a birthday...
Large Print�s increased font size and wider line spacing maximizes reading legibility, and has been proven to advance comprehension, improve fluency, reduce eye fatigue, and boost engagement in young readers of all abilities, especially struggling, reluctant, and...
Decimotercer volumen de la serie «Diario de una Dork , el diario en el que Nikki le da vueltas a todo... Nikki, con la ayuda de sus mejores amigas Chloe y Zoey, est? preparando una fiesta de cumplea?os ?pica! Solo hay un problemilla... Parece ser que no tienen...
It's Nikki Maxwell's birthday Will it be a blast or a bust? Find out in Nikki's newest diary, the thirteenth installment in the #1 New York Times blockbuster bestselling Dork Diaries series Nikki and her BFFs Chloe and Zoey have been planning a birthday...