This book focuses on a practical application of how to coach senior leaders and executives to be personal Lean Leadership champions and how leaders coach their teams to do the same. The first part of the book focuses on the outcomes and 8 key lessons learned from interviewing Leaders and CEOs from the US, Europe, South America, Asia, and Australasia on leading their organizations to be sustainable Lean. The authors explore what these lessons are about, the underlying belief of the lesson, and how as an external coach each of these lessons.
The second part of the book focuses on the leaders transitioning from an external locus of influence by using an external Executive Lean coach. moving to coach of self and understanding why parts of self are resisting the lessons. This is flipping the switch from external coach to coach self so they can coach their team.
The third part of the book focuses on turning these lessons and coaching of self to be better coaches of our teams. Then finally taking these lessons and coaching leanings and converting them into habits of lean leaders.
Essentially, this book leads the reader through the process of practically coaching an executive leader to become a Lean Leadership Champion. The reader works through interview examples depending on the answers given and decides the next question to ask. In addition, this book aids the executive to coach their teams to become Lean leaders.