So you want to be a youth pastor but don't know where to start? You want to be a youth worker but think kids won't relate to you? Maybe you've been serving in ministry but don't know the next step, or you just want to get involved with Christ's work in the church and want some answers?
Well, I don't have them
You've heard the saying "God works in mysterious ways." You have even seen this principle in action with a casual glance at the fishermen, tax collectors, tent-makers, shepherds, and all-around amateurs God whips into shape with His perfect wisdom for His purpose in the Bible. I invite you to discover the outpouring of God's manifold grace for delivering His gospel to teenagers through the "dysfunctional group of factory rejects" (Chuck Owen) He used for a period of time at a small church in Columbiana, Alabama.
This collection of stories and lessons learned by the everyday bivocational servants of Jesus in a small town gives a gritty, down-to-earth look at nonprofessionals ministering to teenagers with little more than a passion for Jesus and a willing heart. Whether you are preparing a Wednesday night message while working on your doctorate or working on your truck, you are sure to be enriched by the extraordinary normalcy of how God works through regular people.