If you love something so much, you are vulnerable. Somebody or something can get to you. If you lack faith, you have created another vulnerability, a second Achilles heel. Jay Gerinni has an unconditional love for the dogs that he raised, trained, and bird hunted. He also questions faith. Hounded by Evil, yet aided by Good, Jay's adventures, from hunting the bird fields of Kansas to traveling the world to help with search and rescue, further strengthen his bond with and love for dogs.
Based on the screenplay 'A Day In Dog Years', the story depicts the growing relationship between Jay and a series of canines that helped him find comfort, direction and hope. When Evil attacks his love by harming his dogs, he has nowhere to turn, except to respond in kind. Now, as Jay faces his own mortality, the secret that he has kept covered for many years threatens to overtake his peace of mind. Can the canine friends he has devoted his life to now be the answer to his own salvation?
Dogs Running a Hill is a unique and inspirational story of love, devotion, and friendship between man and his best friend.