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Adventure General Middle East Scuba Scuba Diving Sports & Outdoors Sports & Recreation Travel Water SportsI admire Mr Niles skills in writing, and he is one of the founders of the DragonLance Trilogy. I enjoyed reading more of Dalamar, an often neglected but fascinating character. Still he did make a crucial error in that Dalamar is indeed dark-haired (confirmable, if one asks Larry Elmore or Mrs Weis) and that the novel was woefully short. . . or that no kender were killed in the procession of this novel. Still, it's a good...
This book is okay but one reviewer does have a point...Why does Dalamar have blond hair instead of black hair? Also, in the War of the Souls trilogy it is mentioned that he was thinner and looked much older? Never mind the questions though. The book was okay but it left out some important details. Although Niles does capture Dalamar cool and aloof nature perfectly. Aside from that, the book was okay. It ended too quickly...
It only took me a day & a half to get through this, not because it was the best DL I've ever read but because I needed to know what happend. The villian was very easy to hate & the new character, Coryn, fit right in. It also explains why the gods are so against wild magic. The only thing I didn't like was Dalamar's fate. Why did he have to be the one to be disfigured? He probably won't be nearly as charming now. ...
This book was so well written it only took me a day to finish. First it brings in two of my favorite characters (Dalamar and Jenna). Also introduces which appears to be a big player in future dragonlance, Coryn of the White Robes. This book appearsto set up how future dragonlance books are going to need to address magic in the world that is now Krynn. A reader cannot afford to miss this book and continue to read the Dragonlance...
It took me only 2 days to read this book I thought that it was that good. There were a few small things during the story which seemed to leave me wondering how that happened or what explaination there were for certain things. However, over all this is a book which tells the story of how 3 wizards trying to retake Wayreth Tower. If you like lots of magic this book will be one that you like too.