This short book offers one-hundred concise spiritual lessons received from our Heavenly Parents, who are known traditionally as Jesus Christ (our Divine Father) and the Holy Spirit (our Divine Mother). This series of inspirational one-page messages was transmitted by Donna D'Ingillo, a nationally renowned healer and spiritual teacher. These teachings are based on the wisdom of the legendary Urantia Book, which has sold more than one million copies worldwide in 14 languages. The highly personal quality of these profound lessons will uplift and charm you, arousing in you a new and heartfelt commitment to live a life of love, service, and creativity.
It's time to meet your Heavenly Parents, whose love is utterly beyond comprehension. They are always available at a moment's notice. They've provided this guidebook to bring you a new awareness of their wisdom, compassion, and divinity. You will discover fifty succint messages from Jesus Christ as well as fifty short teachings from Divine Mother--thus illustrating their ultimate equality and complementary divine natures.
A new era of planetary correction is upon us--thanks to the mercy of our Divine Parents. They have opened the heavens and are uplifting us again through new teachings that are suitable for our time. Here are some representative lesson titles from their instruction:
I Am the Unifier of HumanityI Offer You a Blessed and Bountiful Life I Help You Grow in Cosmic Understanding I Offer Kisses of Life upon Your Heart! Face All Your Fears with Our SupportI Offer You My Universal MindRejoice That You Are Connected to MeSee Yourselves as We See You Learn What It Means to be a Universe CitizenI Fully Understand the Human Experience Trouble Not Others for Your ValidationLiberate Others by Speaking the TruthLearn What It Means to be a Universe CitizenAccept Yourself Completely Just As You AreLearn to Identify With Your SoulOpen to Life Eternal and Abundant Serve Others As and Where They AreAllow Me to Speak to Your Heart