The basic storyline of the book centers around a government agency called the HSO (Homeland Security Organization) and Eve's battle with the agency, which instead of destroying terrorists, has become a government-sponsored terrorist group itself. More as it becomes clear that the agency was aware of and ignored Eve's horrible childhood, a conflict arises between Roarke and Eve. Roarke will be forced to make a choice...go after...
Yes, Divided in Death is different from the other books in the series. You have your typical Eve driven investigation of murder with someone she or Roarke knows and need to prove innocent. You've got your people who misunderstand Eve's ways which hurts her but she remains silent. McNab, Peabody, Mavis, Feeney and Trueheart are all there, which makes for a nice continuity. This time we've got spies and government intrigue...
This, to me, is J.D. Robb better than ever. Finally, she writes a mystery in which Roarke's involvement is intrinsic to the plot - he's not just shoving his way into Eve's job. Their conflict was so well-drawn and realistic, it amazed me. I was very impressed with its resolution, in how far Eve and Roarke have come to understand each other. I do have to disagree with the reviewer who said that Eve's response "emasculated"...
Lieutenant Eve Dallas survived a horrificly abusive childhood, experiencing firsthand how the ponderous indifference of the system can strip the victim powerless. Eve is a homicide cop, standing up for murder victims by her courage, determination and compassion within the system.Roarke clawed his way out of his childhood of poverty and beatings by brilliance, boldness and sheer determination. He has amassed immense personal...
Well, the book jacket description is completely exaggerated - not unusual. Forget the Doomsday group - the murders here and all the problems stem from the cold and somewhat corrupt Homeland Security Organization [HSO], which conducts its investigations as it pleases in a devious and not at all kind manner. With the vicious and bloody deaths of the husband and friend of one of Roarke's employees, Eve is led to believe that...