This is a comprehensive guide that will walk you through all the most critical pieces of the game. ★★★★★
Disgaea 6 Complete is easily the best version of this great strategy RPG. The main star of Disgaea 6 is Zed, who's a zombie with a bad attitude and a tenacious streak. Zed has one goal in life, and that's to defeat the God of Destruction. Most Zombies are pretty weak and wouldn't stand a chance against this divine opponent, but Zed doesn't care if he has to die a thousand times before he takes this world destroyer down.
A big book of players' hacks organized in an easy-to-reference encyclopedia format, this book will show readers the ins and outs of the game. Become a Pro Player in Disgaea 6.
So, what are you waiting for? Once you grab a copy of our guide, you'll be dominating the game in no time at all! Get your Pro tips now.? ♥♥♥♥♥