The Inspirational Classic That Has Sold More Than 250,000 Copies
In this 40th anniversary edition of Eric Butterworth's inspiring tour de force, the author shares the greatest discovery of all time: the ability to see the divine within us all. Jesus saw this divine dimension in every human being, and Butterworth reveals this hidden and untapped resource to be a source of limitless abundance. Exploring this depth potential, Butterworth outlines ways in which we can release the power locked within us for better health, greater confidence, increased success, and inspired openness to let our light shine forth for others.
I have been on book reading binge for the past 6 years, for pure enjoyment, and mostly spiritual growth. This book was possibly the most enlightening, and enjoyable books I've read in recent years. It doesn't come off as being preachy, but it has opened my eyes and heart. I feel the world would be a much nicer place to live if everyone took the time, and really read this book.
What can I say about this book? Eric Butterworth was a legend in the Unity movement. He was a Unity minister for many, many years. For those of you not familiar with Unity, this is not a problem. You can still glean so much knowledge and advice from this book. The insights and Truth that is found in these pages will change your life! This book really speaks to the true nature of Jesus the Christ and who he really was. What...
This book started me on a path to spiritual truth. It built my confidence level and I made a quantum leap in my life since reading this book. My favourite chapter is the one on forgiveness. it freed me Cheryl from Trinidad
This book reviews the lessons Jesus Christ came here to teach, however these lessons are disected and recast with the underlying philosophy that: *we are all the sons and daughters of God, *that we are invinsible beyond measure, *that the Kingdom of heaven is right here and now, and *that within us lies the power and divinity necessary to achieve any dream we can conceive of.Written with PROFOUND clarity and deep insight,...
Eric Butterworth's book Discover The Power Within You is fantastic! It lifts the veil of mystery from the spiritual experience. His message is simple and clearly stated, that if we will just excercise the power we all have in us by going within and communing with God, then we will no longer have discord in our lives. It is one of the most profound and moving books that I have ever read. I highly recommend it for anyone...