The processing and analysis of signals and data is today a fast-growing and crucial activity in a diverse range of fields, not only in communications and image technology itself but in almost every other research area in science. The purpose of this book is to explain some of the theoretical concepts that underly the methods now in common use. The author starts from the assumption that some knowledge of the basic principles should be in the toolkit of every engineer or scientist working with signals or data.
Thus the book introduces the basic theory of discrete-time systems, processes and signals including discrete transforms. It explains classical digital filtering, and averaging methods to improve the signal-to-noise ratio or repetitive signals. Correlation and spectral analysis approaches to analysing signals are covered as well as methods to estimate and define unknown signals. Non-linear processing is introduced including the use of neural networks. The final chapter extends what the reader has learnt into the arena of multidimensional signals and data.
The aim of the book is not to be deeply rigorous mathematically but rather to provide full and practical explanation of the theories and concepts behind these processing techniques which are largely available today as software programs and packages.