This book is one of the nine Corpus Vitrearum Medii Aevi (CVMA) volumes in which the medieval stained glass works of Saxony-Anhalt are compiled. It includes sites in the south of the federal state, excluding the cathedrals in Halberstadt and Naumburg. The glass works come from the period between the thirteenth and sixteenth century, and range from the early grisailles in Schulpforte and a Tree of Jesse cycle in Merseburg to pre-Reformation, very colorful imports of stained glass from Nuremberg in Eisleben. They show how this art form borrowed at various times from the east and west, the north and south, and thus arrived at individual solutions. As usual, the volume captivates with its high-quality color and black-and-white photos as well as its embedding of the holdings in art history and history in general.