The ultimate must-have for troop leaders
Conveniently sized at 8.5 x 11 inches, this 150-page planner has everything a scout leader needs to organize their troop, including:
TROOP LEADER & VOLUNTEER CONTACT INFORMATION sheets for keeping track of committee roles, background checks, phone numbers and moreSERVICE UNIT AND COUNCIL INFORMATION sheets for organizing service unit and council contacts, locations, meeting schedules and morea TROOP ROSTER and BIRTHDAY TRACKER for recording the personal and parent/guardian contact information, age, birthday, grade, school and troop membership level of up to 30 girlsa 2019-2020 YEAR-AT-A-GLANCE and MONTHLY CALENDARS from August 2019 to July 2020detailed MEETING PLANNERS with space for pre-meeting prep, troop business, activities, reminders and reflectioncomprehensive BADGE PLANNERS that make managing your troop's badge-earning activities quick and easyFLEXIBLE TRACKERS that can be customized to record attendance, dues, paperwork, badges, product sales and morea detailed TROOP BUDGET PLANNER for calculating your troop's expenses, income and duesa TROOP FINANCES tracker to record troop checking account deposits, withdrawals and debit card transactionsTROOP LEADER EXPENSES & MILEAGE forms for keeping track of your tax-deductible troop contributionsCOOKIE BOOTH PLANNERS and SALES TRACKERS that take the stress out of cookie seasonSIGN-UP SHEETS to organize snacks and volunteers for meetings, cookie booths, field trips and moreVOLUNTEER DRIVER LOGS that keep track of everything from vehicle and insurance information to dates, destinations and signaturesTO-DO LISTS and dot-grid NOTES pages for jotting down your brilliant troop ideasReading just twenty minutes a day has been shown to have a transformative impact on our physical and mental health. It decreases anxiety, fosters good sleep, and improves brain function. It even makes us nicer people! Learn about the many benefits of reading and get tips on how, when, and what to read!
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