DIARY OF A GENIUS stands as one of the seminal texts of Surrealism, revealing the most astonishing and intimate workings of the mind of Salvador Dal?, the eccentric polymath genius who became the living embodiment of the 20th century's most intensely subversive, disturbing and influential art movement.
Dal?'s second volume of autobiography, DIARY OF A GENIUS covers his life from 1952 to 1963, during which years we learn of his astonishing...
On this day, it is acceptable to be weird and wacky. Let the goofiest part of yourself out the cellar of your mind to flap its arms and finger its lips while going blubblubblub. In other words, it's a day for odd fun. In the spirit of that, we at ThriftBooks have decided to recommend eight bizarro titles to help you get your Weird Hat on!