It is an evidence-based and comprehensive treatment for mental problems, emotional problems, and borderline personality disorder. People with substance use disorder can also benefit from this therapy.
Dr. Marsha Linehan was the psychologist who originated this therapy in the late 1980s. She worked with suicidal people and people who had borderline personality disorders.
Linehan noticed that cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) was not effective when used alone. It didn't give the expected results with her patients with borderline personality disorder.
Dr. Linehan and her team worked on CBT and added techniques. They developed a treatment plan that met the unique needs of their patients. It was first developed to treat BPD but now it has been broadened to treat other emotional and behavioral problems.
To date, this therapy is still being used to treat a wide range of health problems including eating disorders, depression, self-harm, and anxiety.
DBT makes use of a philosophical procedure called dialectics. This is based on the idea that everything is made of opposites. And a "dialogue" between opposing forces bring about change.
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