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Applied Psychology Business Business & Investing Christian Books & Bibles Christian Living Economics Health, Fitness & Dieting Health, Fitness & Dieting Inspirational Leadership Management & Leadership Motivational Psychology & Counseling Religion Religion & Spirituality Self-Help SpiritualityI believe that all of Og Mandino's books are excellent. Something in each one to touch, teach, learn. Wonderful writer. great story teller. Inspirational & motivational. Highly recommend all of his books.
This book, and others by Mr. Mandino, have saved my life. This authors unique take on finding the light when the candle has been extinguished is invaluable. I am forever grateful to have been enlightened by his words.
There are many self help books. Og Mandino deserves a special place among the various authors to write on this topic. His message is very clear and practical. It is simple. The world would be a better place and there would be no threats or fears of terrorism. Og Mandino's books should be made compulsory reading in all schools all over the world to make a positive change. Only by hard work and persistence we will be able to...
The 4th Og Mandino book I've read and now I'm totally hooked! He is by far my favorite author. His books allow the reader to reach deep inside and find things that they never knew were there. This was probably the best of the 4 that I've read, but I plan to devour them all and hope you will join me. I now find myself constantly asking, Could it be true? Was this truth or fiction? I don't know the answer but I have my own...
Great book. Second Og book I have read, and I am looking to read the others