Is God an alien? Was Jesus an alien in a suit of human -flesh? Were humans actually created by an ancient race of intelligent beings from a distant galaxy?
Despite how preposterous such questions might sound today, the world is being groomed to accept these very ideas as a plausible explanation for the supernatural events of Scripture. Each miracle Jesus performed in the New Testament, some folks say, was not as much an act of divine power and will as much as it was a demonstration of alien mastery over sciences, we can't yet fathom. The ET gospel currently merging into mainstream Theology seems to have an answer for every dilemma-most of which must ignore portions of Scripture to be true. Meanwhile, tragically, the Church remains ignorant, insisting that "aliens don't exist" and "the Bible is silent on the topic," while the lost remain lost and the Bible's clear teaching on the subject is ignored.
In Destination Earth, readers discover:
Who and what "aliens" originally were according to the Bible,and what they're up to now in Antichrist's grand end-times scheme.
How Christ's own words refute the "alien-God" interpretation.How humankind is being primed to accept aliens as "gods".What tomorrow's "alien religion" entails, and how it will replace all other worldreligions (including Christianity, if the Church doesn't wake up and address this issue )
That the modern "ancient astronauts" is a branch of the occult. Evidence linking occult teachings of Helena Blavatsky and Allister Crowley toChariots of the Gods.
How modern science fiction has become televangelism for the ET gospelThe agenda of the military-intelligence complex to control the narrative on ETdisclosure- even before the 1947 Roswell incident.
The US government's well-funded research into making contact with the"gods" of outer space, and how Star Trek, the JFK assassination, and powerful
people in high places interact with that agenda.