The year 1888 marked the last year of Friedrich Nietzsche's intellectual career and the culmination of his philosophical development. In that final productive year, he worked on six books, all of which are now, for the first time, presented in English in a single volume. Together...
The year 1888 marked the last year of Friedrich Nietzsche's intellectual career and the culmination of his philosophical development. In that final productive year, he worked on six books, all of which are now, for the first time, presented in English in a single volume. Together...
Keine ausf hrliche Beschreibung f r "Der Fall Wagner. G tzen-D mmerung. - Nachgelassene Schriften (August 1888 - Anfang Januar 1889): Der Antichrist. Ecce homo. Dionysos-Dithyramben. - Nietzsche contra Wagner" verf gbar.