Within each of us is an extraordinary potential for love and compassion that is capable of completely transforming the way that we experience our world. Through the ancient wisdom of the Kalachakra teachings it is possible to unlock this potential and manifest a sublime realm of experience, free from all forms of suffering and conflict. This state of eternal bliss is known by some as Shambhala.
For the first time ever, Khentrul Rinpoch explores deep into the hidden meaning of Shambhala and why it is so important for overcoming the problems in this world. With great precision and clarity he dispels the many layers of confusion that have built up around this often misunderstood subject, while also introducing a profound method for spiritual development that is rooted in an unbiased and expansive approach.
Representing more than a thousand years of collective experience, the Jonang Masters have faithfully preserved the Kalachakra teachings in an unbroken lineage making it possible for you to hold this book in your hand today. No matter where you are on your own spiritual journey, these teachings provide an essential map for how to go beyond all forms of limitation and to realise the ultimate nature of reality.