You would have read various user manuals in life, have you come across your own user manual (afterall, you are a genius super machine, far beyond even supercomputer), the Human User Manual
You will gain insight into YOU, beyond that mirror shows you every day. You are designed with many features (potentials) by cosmic divine intelligence, it's just that you left them unused and hence hidden in dormant form. When an evolved Guru comes into your life, you follow provided guidance, the dormant state changes to active state and in the process, you find your own GRAND version (100.0). It covers, who are you, why are you born, what's your birth purpose, what are you made of, what are your means for your birth purpose, your subtle bodies, how these subtle bodies impact you (thoughts, actions, disease etc.), modern science co-relations, some experiments to experience invisibles, your attachments in life (material or relations), aspects after death that recycles you, your powers, your life journey from mirror (birth) to window (free / liberated / self-realized) and many more. You realize that you are 100% responsible for everything happening to you (knowingly or unknowingly). It may take 4 hours for an average reader (book writing style can keep you engaged) to reach its last page, however internalising may take sometime