Rifleman Dodd: A Novel of the Peninsular Campaign is a historical fiction book written by C.S. Forester. The story takes place in 1807 during the Peninsular War, where a British rifleman named Matthew Dodd is separated from his regiment and left to fend for himself behind enemy...
Rifleman Dodd is a historical fiction novel written by C.S. Forester, set during the Peninsular War between France and Spain in the early 19th century. The story follows the adventures of a British rifleman named Matthew Dodd, who becomes separated from his regiment during a...
Rifleman Dodd is a novel set during the Peninsular Campaign of the Napoleonic Wars, written by C. S. Forester. The story follows the adventures of a British rifleman, Matthew Dodd, who becomes separated from his regiment during a retreat and must survive behind enemy lines in...
Rifleman Dodd is a historical novel written by C.S. Forester that is set during the Peninsular War, which was fought between the years 1807 and 1814. The story follows the adventures of a British rifleman named Matthew Dodd, who becomes separated from his unit during a retreat...
Originally published: London: John Lane the Bodley Head, 1932.
Rifleman Dodd is a novel by C.S. Forester that tells the story of a British rifleman, Matthew Dodd, who is separated from his regiment during the Peninsular Campaign of the Napoleonic Wars. Dodd finds himself alone behind enemy lines and must use his skills as a marksman and...
Rifleman Dodd is a novel set during the Peninsular Campaign of the Napoleonic Wars. It follows the story of a British soldier, Rifleman Dodd, who becomes separated from his regiment behind enemy lines in Portugal. Dodd must use his survival skills and military training to evade...