They just stood there not moving, not reacting to what was happening, like they were already dead...until the Tommy-gun's bullets hit them and blood gushed from their frail emaciated bodies plugging the gravel below the putrid train with strings of murky blood. The dredged pool of black water in the Sound is an ideal place to drag a body off the back of a yacht...unless eyes are watching from a dune above, and someone screams. A preening sadistic drug kingpin destroys anyone in his path for power, lust, and wealth...until someone opens the enclosure, and the monstrous gator scrambles out to become the alpha of the pool. Fierce rival Indians sweep down the Sound to destroy her ancestors who live where the Sound meets the Bay...until Mother Nature tosses friends and foes like toys as they try to kill each other. The backyard on Chanticleer Lane, a happy place, for three fun-filled little boys with their shenanigans...until they huddle, unashamed, on the steps of the fort with tears streaking their cheeks for their hearts have been broken. Deserted by their mother by the gate at Guerande, two little boys face their destiny... until their 'fate' provides a hot bath, love, peanut butter sandwiches, and a rare Hershey bar. Guerande, the little medieval village with high ramparts protecting it, is almost safe from the horrors of the war...unless there is a traitor, a Judas, in its midst.