With their engaging plots, mellow Scottish ambiance, and droll humor, the Hamish Macbeth mysteries always provide readers a bonnie time. The charming antics of their hopelessly unambitious and love-crossed hero have earned the series a dedicated following. Death of an Addict...
From the author of the Agatha Raisin television series... DEATH OF AN ADDICT: A Hamish Macbeth Mystery Former drug addict Tommy Jarret rents a Scottish chalet to check out reports of a sea monster. But when he is found dead of an apparent drug overdose, constable Hamish Macbeth...
With their engaging plots, mellow Scottish ambiance, and droll humor, the Hamish Macbeth mysteries always provide readers a bonnie time. The charming antics of their hopelessly unambitious and love-crossed hero have earned the series a dedicated following. Death of an Addict...