The year is 2054, 11 years after the dreaded Zombie Virus of 2043 struck. This plague, known as the Z43 virus, wiped out almost 60% of humanity. The world has slowly returned to some form of normalcy. The undead have been relegated to being more of a nuisance than a threat.
During the early years of the outbreak, a time known as the Zombie Wars, a hero arose. He was known to the world as Death Bringer Jones. His larger-than-life exploits were documented in books, graphic novels, news stories, and folk tales, making his achievements the stuff of legend.
Now, Death Bringer Jones has chosen to document his adventures during these early years in his own words in a series of memoirs. This book is the first of perhaps five or six, each of which will chronicle a particular year in Death Bringer's life as a zombie slayer. He hopes to complete the remaining books in the future, but as he knows from the hardships of the past decade, there are no guarantees in this brave new world. He could very well perish before he completes his memoirs. Time will tell.