The title story, "Death at the Excelsior," introduces readers to British private detective Elliot Oaks and his more experienced boss Paul Snyder in P.G. Wodehouse's only attempt at a detective story, which he pulls off with his signature comic twists and turns. The collection...
Comprising of seven works of short fiction, ranging in genres from crime to tender romance, Death at the Excelsior and Other Stories depict tales of mystery and love with humor. Featuring some of P.G Wodehouse's most famous characters, four of the seven stories follow...
A collection of P.G. Wodehouse's humorous short stories, including: Misunderstood, The Best Sauce, Jeeves and the Chump Cyril, Jeeves in the Springtime, Concealed Art, and The Test Case.
Death at the Excelsior and Others is a posthumously published compilation of short stories by Wodehouse, including: - Death at the Excelsior- Misunderstood- The Best Sauce- Jeeves and the Chump Cyril- Jeeves in the Springtime- Concealed Art- The Test Cas
Death At The Excelsior is a highly recommended introduction into the world of Wodehouse. A sterling collection of early short stories from the master of comedic complications. Death at the Excelsior and Others is a posthumously published compilation of short stories by Wodehouse,...
Death At The Excelsior is a highly recommended introduction into the world of Wodehouse. A sterling collection of early short stories from the master of comedic complications. Death at the Excelsior and Others is a posthumously published compilation of short stories by Wodehouse...
Death At The Excelsior is a highly recommended introduction into the world of Wodehouse. A sterling collection of early short stories from the master of comedic complications. Death at the Excelsior and Others is a posthumously published compilation of short stories by Wodehouse...
A collection of short stories, including the following: DEATH AT THE EXCELSIOR [1914], MISUNDERSTOOD [1910], THE BEST SAUCE [1911], JEEVES AND THE CHUMP CYRIL [1918], JEEVES IN THE SPRINGTIME [1921], CONCEALED ART [1915], THE TEST CASE [1915].
A collection of P.G. Wodehouse's humorous short stories, including: Misunderstood, The Best Sauce, Jeeves and the Chump Cyril, Jeeves in the Springtime, Concealed Art, and The Test Case.
Death at the Excelsior and Others is a compilation of short stories by Wodehouse, including: - Death at the Excelsior - Misunderstood - The Best Sauce - Jeeves and the Chump Cyril - Jeeves in the Springtime - Concealed Art - The Test Case