Three ex-members of the British Special Forces, the 22nd Special Air Services Regiment (the SAS), who all retired at roughly the same time, combine to create a company to help stricken ex-servicemen and women. However, their company mission statement and their modus operandi run contrary to the law of the land - any land. Much as it had done when they were on active duty. The company was clandestine too. They called it:
The Dead Centre Agency
Dead Centre II
Four exceedingly large explosions destroy two important institutions in Bangkok without warning. Everybody in both buildings is killed, but none of the likely candidates claims responsibility.
The British and American governments have an interest and the Royal Thai Police Force begins its own investigations, but they all show scant regard for each other's inquiries. Cooperation is minimal.
This means that the British have to get a team on the spot... a team that is experienced enough to get the job done with hardly any assistance, since they have no-one available. A team skilled in the use of unconventional methods.
As the top brass is wondering how they are going to tackle this awkward situation, a member of the SAS, one of Britain's most elite fighting units, remembers seeing Gareg, Bob and Dave in an old-fashioned teak hotel on Koh Samui on his way back from a mission, so an agent from MI6 is sent to investigate.