*Special 5 Year Anniversary Edition* For fans of Nightmare on Elm Street and the 1989 classic Heathers comes Dead by Morning, a supernatural thriller that combines the angst of a high school drama and the gore of a nightmarish slasher. "He...
For fans of Nightmare on Elm Street and the 1989 classic Heathers comes Dead by Morning, a supernatural thriller that combines the angst of a high school drama and the gore of a nightmarish slasher. "He was real, and he was a monster." Obsession...
For fans of Nightmare on Elm Street and the 1989 classic Heathers comes Dead by Morning, a supernatural thriller that combines the angst of a high school drama and the gore of a nightmarish slasher. "He was real, and he was a monster." Obsession...
Obsession is deadly. It's a lesson Luna Ketz learns the hard way. With only a month left of high school, she's determined to make it to her dream college and out from under her stern father's foot. Not even charming Chance Welfrey can derail...
Obsession is deadly. It's a lesson Luna Ketz learns the hard way. With only a month left of high school, she's determined to make it to her dream college and out from under her stern father's foot. Not even charming Chance Welfrey can derail...