Between 58 and 50BC Caesar conquered most of the area now covered by France, Belgium and Switzerland, and twice invaded Britain. This is the record of his campaigns. Caesar's narrative offers insights into his military strategy & paints a fascinating picture of his encounters...
The Gallic War, published on the eve of the civil war which led to the end of the Roman Republic, is an autobiographical account written by one of the most famous figures of European history. On one level a straightforward narrative of the campaigns Caesar fought against the...
The Gallic War, published on the eve of the civil war which led to the end of the Roman Republic, is an autobiographical account written by one of the most famous figures of European history. This new translation reflects the purity of Caesar's Latin while preserving the pace...
Between 58 and 50 BC Caesar conquered most of the area now covered by France, Belgium and Switzerland, and twice invaded Britain. This is the record of his campaigns. Caesar's narrative offers insights into his military strategy & paints a fascinating picture of his encounters...
The conquest that begot the Roman Empire.
The Commentaries of Caesar on the Gallic War, Books 1-8Presented in a new format featuring both Latin and English, with new vocablulary presented in line as it's encountered. Each Latin paragraph is displayed with its English translation on the facing page, making this an easy...
Caesar's War in Gaul is one of the great classics of military and historical literature. It gives great insight into Roman and Gaulish military matters, politics and the culture of Gaul. The expeditions to Britain also afford a fascinating glimpse into pre-historic society on...
The Gallic War, published on the eve of the civil war which led to the end of the Roman Republic, is an autobiographical account written by one of the most famous figures of European history. This new translation reflects the purity of Caesar's Latin while preserving the pace...
Originally composed for propaganda purposes, Julius Caesar's The Gallic Wars ( Commentarii de Bello Gallico ) is one of the earliest examples of a military science manual, detailing arms technology, tactical maneuvers, battlefield politics, espionage, intelligence and even the...
La Guerra de las Galias, tambi n conocido como Los Comentarios sobre la guerra de las, es una obra de Julio C sar redactada en tercera persona. En ella C sar describe las batallas e intrigas que tuvieron lugar en los nueve a os (del 58 al 50 a. C.) que pas luchando contra ej...
A new translation that captures the gripping power of one of the greatest war stories ever told--Julius Caesar's pitiless account of his brutal campaign to conquer Gaul
Three Roman aristocrats have formed a partnership to seize more power and wealth out of the Roman Empire. Pompey the Great, Marcus Crassius, and Julius Caesar have created the First Triumvirate in order to pursue their interests. Through the Triumvirate Caesar plots to get himself...
The Gallic Wars is one of the earliest examples of a military science manual, detailing arms technology, tactical maneuvers, battlefield politics, espionage, intelligence and even the role played by luck in ground and sea campaigns. *Includes footnotes.
First published just before the end of the Roman Republic by that legendary country's most immortalized leader, "The Gallic War", also called "Commentarii de Bello Gallico", is an account of Julius Caesar's capture of Gaul in the first century. Beginning with the Helvetian...
The only chronicle by an ancient general of his own campaigns, this historical treasure is also a work of profound literary merit. Julius Caesar's fascinating account of his conquests offers a trove of priceless details about the cultures of Gaul, Germany, and Britain during...
Edici n en tapa blanda revisada, anotada, prologada y anexada con mapas de campa a anuales y un monogr fico sobre la legi n romana.Posiblemente a lo largo de la historia de la humanidad no haya otra figura que haya atra do tanto la atenci n de los historiadores como Cayo Julio...