"Lavishly illustrated by Studio Muti, Exploring Gotham City is the perfect book for readers of all ages who want to investigate the tumultuous city Batman calls home." - Sandbox World Discover the secrets of Gotham City with this large-scale interactive book, DC Comics: Exploring Gotham City. Explore Gotham City, home of the mysterious crime fighter the Batman! From the depths of the Batcave to Wayne Manor, Arkham...
With movies like Suicide Squad, Birds of Prey, The Suicide Squad, and the upcoming Shang-Chi and the Legend of the Ten Rings, some critics are saying we’re scraping the bottom of the comic book barrel. Personally, as a lifetime comic book fan, I love the more obscure and bizarre comic book characters. And it’s in that spirit that I present the following – ten titles that in some way feature the arcane, ambiguous, and/or asinine from the world of comics.