Darkness And Dawn V1: Or Scenes In The Days Of Nero, A Historic Tale (1891) is a novel written by Frederic William Farrar. The book is set in ancient Rome during the reign of Emperor Nero and follows the story of two characters, Marcus and Julia, who are caught up in the political...
Darkness and Dawn Volume 1: Or Scenes in the Days of Nero, A Historic Tale is a novel written by Frederic William Farrar and published in 1891. The book is set in ancient Rome during the reign of Emperor Nero and tells the story of a group of people who are forced to flee the...
Darkness And Dawn V1: Or Scenes In The Days Of Nero, A Historic Tale (1891) is a novel written by Frederic William Farrar. The book is set in ancient Rome during the reign of Emperor Nero and follows the lives of two main characters, Marcus and Lydia, who are caught up in the...