The great Spanish mystic St. John of the Cross became a Carmelite monk in 1563 and helped St. Teresa of Avila to reform the Carmelite order -- enduring persecution and imprisonment for his efforts. Both in his writing and in his life, he demonstrated eloquently his love for...
In Dark Night of the Soul, Saint John of the Cross presents for us a portrait painted from his own experience of one who advances successfully through the struggles of the spiritual life. The dark night that St John describes is not abandonment by God but special consideration...
In Dark Night of the Soul, Saint John of the Cross presents for us a portrait painted from his own experience of one who advances successfully through the struggles of the spiritual life. The dark night that St John describes is not abandonment by God but special consideration...
San Juan de la Cruz (1542-1591) es el m?s importante escritor m?stico espa?ol. Este, al ser ordenado sacerdote le pidi? a Dios que lo conservara en su gracia, libre de pecado y que le ayudara a sufrir toda clase de dolores, penas y enfermedades. Y de esta manera Dios le hizo...
"In the dark night of the soul, bright flows the river of God." --St. John of the Cross Why does God allow us to fall into this empty void? Does He not love us? Will He not help us? How do we deal with feeling abandoned in hopeless darkness? Is there a light at the...
La met fora de la noche oscura de Juan de la Cruz nos recuerda que la experiencia del amor de Dios no es siempre una experiencia punta de la uni n de toda la creaci n. En la noche oscura el amor de Dios se acerca de una manera que parece negarnos. En la noche parece que Dios...
O Livro "Noite Escura da Alma", ? indispens?vel para todos os cat?licos fi?is que querem crescer na sua espiritualidade e relacionamento com Deus.S?o Jo?o da Cruz, Doutor da Igreja, ? amplamente considerado como um dos principais poetas da l?ngua espanhola. Apesar de seus poemas...
St. John of the Cross was a Carmelite friar and priest; he is renowned for his cooperation with Saint Teresa of ?vila in the reformation of the Carmelite order, and for his poetry and his studies on the growth of the soul. Dark Night of the Soul is considered...
La noche oscura del alma es el t?tulo de un poema escrito por el poeta espa?ol del siglo XVI Juan de la Cruz, m?stico cat?lico, as? como de un tratado que escribir?a m?s tarde, haciendo comentarios sobre el poema. San Juan de la Cruz era un sacerdote de la Orden de los Carmelitas...
This edition of Dark Night of the Soul combines the class translation with an original and concise biography written by Wyatt North Publishing. St. John of the Cross is widely considered one of the most prolific and important poets of his time. In fact, in Spanish poetry, the...
This new edition of the Image classic, with more than 100,000 copies sold, brings E. Allison Peers's magnificent translation of St. John of the Cross's masterpiece Dark Night of the Soul to a new generation of readers and will renew the interest of those already familiar...
Written in the 16th century by a reform-minded Carmelite monk, "Dark Night of the Soul" is a treatise focusing on the metaphor of a dark night to represent a lonely phase in one's personal spiritual life. Saint John was a Roman Catholic mystic and a Spanish poet, and this...
Describes the purification, or 'night', that the human soul must experience if it is to enter into loving union with God in this life. This title is suitable for readers, both lay and religious, who seek to experience on earth the kind of intimacy with God that will characterize...
TAN Classics Made Simple booklets are designed to give you an orientation course before you embark on an exploration of the great works of Catholic literature found in our best selling TAN Classics line.
St. John of the Cross was a Carmelite friar and priest; he is renowned for his cooperation with Saint Teresa of ?vila in the reformation of the Carmelite order, and for his poetry and his studies on the growth of the soul. Dark Night of the Soul is considered...
La noche oscura del alma es el t tulo de un poema escrito por el poeta espa ol del siglo XVI Juan de la Cruz, m stico cat lico, as como de un tratado que escribir a m s tarde, haciendo comentarios sobre el poema. San Juan de la Cruz era un sacerdote de la Orden de los Carmelitas...
"En una noche oscura,
con ansias, en amores inflamada,
oh dichosa ventura!" San Juan de la Cruz fue un religioso y poeta m?stico del Renacimiento espa?ol, reformador de la Orden de Nuestra Se?ora del Monte Carmelo y cofundador de...