Matt, a newly licensed psychologist from the hill country of Kentucky is living his dream in Enoch, a small town in the foothills of North Carolina. He came in as a stranger but was quickly accepted by the townspeople and married Lori, a successful veterinarian. Shortly after arriving he established a practice in the clinic of a prestigious medical doctor where he worked with clients of all ages. For a time he did therapy with a young girl who had been exploited by a local group of child pornographers, some of them who used a church as the center of their activities.
Before the porn ring was exposed, evil lurked in the shadows of this quiet town. Some of Matt's clients have revealed more than their own maladies as they strive to survive the dark undercurrents of life.
To their own surprise Matt and Lori become close friends with Lady Trumbol, the high priestess of a coven of 'white witches' and accept her 'sisters' for whom and what they are: Pagans whose religious beliefs are different from most people in the area. He and Lori are accepted by the coven and invited to their yearly celebrations, even to the funeral of Lady Trumbol.