At the end of My Name Is Lisa, there was a cliffhanger. Readers asked the author many times, "What about Pete?" Pete is the brother of Delbert Johnson, Lisa's grandfather, and the man that murdered her brother Billy. Lisa referred to him as 'the man' as she did not know who he was. He is now in prison, serving a life sentence with no parole. Before he was arrested, he, Pete, and Angela tried to abduct and silence Lisa because she knew he had murdered her brother Billy. Delbert and Angela were caught and arrested before that could happen. Starting in the sequel; now that Delbert is in prison, Pete is determined to get his brother out of prison. He concludes that the only way to achieve this is to abduct Lisa and not only hold her but threaten to kill her if Delbert is not released. Pete knew he could not accomplish this alone, so he hired three thugs to help him. Unbeknownst to him, one of the so-called thugs would be a guardian angel for Lisa. Pete made calls, letting Gary and his family know he was after her. Lisa and Sam went to a Valentine's dance at his school. They were chosen the Valentine's Sweethearts and were given gift cards to the theater and for dinner at a local favorite. A few weeks later, Lisa and Sam chose a movie and a favorite restaurant where they would eat before the movie. Gary and Bill, Sam's father, accompanied them to see to their safety. However, danger lurks; Lisa and Sam were both caught in the abduction. They were held in a cabin belonging to their guardian in the bayous of Louisiana. The detectives, with the help of others, closed in and rescued Lisa and Sam. Ten years forward found Lisa and Sam in different universities. Lisa runs into a long-lost friend and is excited to spend some time with her. During their years in school, Lisa's relationship with Sam continues to move forward; there is a wedding to plan and a surprise honeymoon. New adventures in the field they have chosen and an unexpected visit from the past causes Lisa and Sam to rush home. And life goes on.