While Miss Cardigan went with her nephew to the door, I remained standing by the fire, which could have witnessed to so much done around it that night. I felt strong, but I remember my cheeks had an odd sensation as if the blood had left them. I did not know Miss Cardigan had...
Follow the adventures of Daisy, a young girl growing up in the American South during the Civil War. With a cast of unforgettable characters and a richly detailed setting, this poignant coming-of-age story is a must-read for anyone interested in the history of the United States. This...
Follow the adventures of Daisy, a young girl growing up in the American South during the Civil War. With a cast of unforgettable characters and a richly detailed setting, this poignant coming-of-age story is a must-read for anyone interested in the history of the United States. This...
Daisy In The Field is a novel written by Susan Bogert Warner and published in 1870. The story revolves around Daisy Randolph, a young girl who is orphaned and sent to live with her wealthy relatives in New York. Although she is initially treated poorly by her relatives, Daisy's...
"Daisy in the Field", by Susan Warner. Susan Warner was american evangelical writer of religious fiction (1819-1885).
Daisy In The Field is a novel written by American author Susan Bogert Warner and first published in 1870. The story follows the life of Daisy Randolph, a young girl who lives with her wealthy and privileged family in New York City. Despite her comfortable upbringing, Daisy is...
Daisy In The Field is a novel written by Susan Bogert Warner and published in 1870. The story follows the life of Daisy Randolph, a young girl who grows up in a wealthy and privileged family in New York City. Despite her comfortable upbringing, Daisy is a kind and compassionate...
The book, Daisy in the Field, has been considered important throughout the human history, and so that this work is never forgotten we have made efforts in its preservation by republishing this book in a modern format for present and future generations. This whole book has been...
While Miss Cardigan went with her nephew to the door, I remained standing by the fire, which could have witnessed to so much done around it that night. I felt strong, but I remember my cheeks had an odd sensation as if the blood had left them. I did not know Miss Cardigan had...