BLACK HISTORY THEMED Daily Reading and Writing Warm-Ups including the History of Discrimination in the United States, the fight for Civil Rights and Martin Luther King, Junior. Each of the passages is aligned with the Common Core State Standards and are written for grades 5 to 9 but will also work for 10-12 as well.
From slavery to civil rights to sports and beyond, these 80 passages promote critical thinking and are ideal for any grade to study Black History and civil rights.
The questions are constructed response and multiple choice and help you incorporate communication, critical thinking, collaboration and creativity into your lessons. They are differentiated and incorporate reading comprehension and fluency. They are Black History, reading and writing themed and ask thought provoking questions to help students become independent thinkers.
Timeline of Discrimination
The Beginnings of the Segregation Stronghold
Plessy v. Ferguson - Separate But Equal
Plessy v. Ferguson - One Judge Did Not Agree
Judge Harlan's Prediction
Plessy and Segregation Today
Founding Fathers
Ben Franklin and Slavery
The Amistad
The Amistad is Not Over
The Amistad Makes it to the Supreme Court
Fugitive Slave Act of 1783
Fugitive Slave Act of 1783 and Martha Washington
The Underground Railroad
Dred Scott, March 6, 1857
John Brown's Raid of October 16, 1859
January 1, 1863 - The Emancipation Proclamation
The Emancipation Proclamation and the 13th Amendment
Civil War: Slavery Out - Black Codes In
40 Acres and a Mule: One More Broken Promise
Reconstruction Dies- The Compromise of 1877