In this new novel by the #1 New York Times bestselling author Mary Higgins Clark, the reigning "Queen of Suspense," a dark secret from a family's past threatens the lives of two sisters, Kate and Hannah Connelly. In her latest novel Mary Higgins Clark, the beloved, bestselling...
In this "tantalizing" (Booklist) novel, Mary Higgins Clark, the #1 New York Times bestselling "Queen of Suspense," exposes a dark secret from a family's past that threatens the lives of two sisters. What was Kate Connelly--a tall, glamorous CPA--doing...
In this "tantalizing" (Booklist) novel, Mary Higgins Clark, the #1 New York Times bestselling "Queen of Suspense," exposes a dark secret from a family's past that threatens the lives of two sisters. What was Kate Connelly--a tall, glamorous CPA--doing...
In this "tantalizing" (Booklist) novel, Mary Higgins Clark, the #1 New York Times bestselling "Queen of Suspense," exposes a dark secret from a family's past that threatens the lives of two sisters. What was Kate Connelly--a tall, glamorous CPA--doing in...