Many oncologic therapies used to treat cancer have significant implications for the skin. These dermatologic reactions follow recognizable patterns and are closely related to the type of treatment given. Cutaneous Toxicities from Anti-Cancer Therapies, by Drs. Allireza Alloo and Nicole LeBoeuf, provides comprehensive coverage of cutaneous toxicities caused by the full spectrum of oncologic modes of treatment--specifically cytotoxic chemotherapy, targeted chemotherapy, and immunotherapy. This portable photoguide is a quick bedside handbook for dermatologists, oncologists, primary care providers, emergency room physicians, and other health care professionals who see patients undergoing treatment for cancer.
Summarizes current evidence on skin toxicity from oncologic treatment using a succinct, highly practical format for quick reference
Defines specific reaction patterns for oncology therapies and provides clinical pearls and treatment recommendations
Features abundant full-color clinical photos that help you quickly identify reaction patterns and skin toxicity from specific cancer therapies
Highlights special considerations for skin of color and pediatrics in boxes throughout the book
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