Breaks down the core elements of curriculum planning to empower teachers to design and deliver their geography curriculum effectively.
In recent years there has been a shifting emphasis away from a focus on pedagogy (the 'how' of teaching) towards curriculum (the 'what' of teaching). Ofsted's revised inspection framework reflects this shift - and their plans to 'deep dive' into subject areas, meaning that teachers and department heads now need to have a much greater understanding of their curriculum structures and the thinking that underpins them, leave many educators having to think about their subject in new ways.
Luckily for geography teachers, however, bestselling author Mark Enser has plenty of insightful subject-specific guidance to share in his new book Powerful Geography.
Mark will explore both the thinking behind the geography curriculum - its purpose - and its various practical applications in practice, delving in detail into how teachers can take their students' learning beyond the acquisition of knowledge and towards its power to transform how they see the world. Among other key areas, he will also address the changing nature of school geography, how to approach sequencing the curriculum, and how best to facilitate geographical enquiry and fieldwork.
Suitable for department heads and classroom teachers of geography in secondary schools and subject leads in primary schools.
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