America is no longer a country but a multimillion-dollar brand, says Kalle Lasn and his fellow "culture jammers". The founder of Adbusters magazine, Lasn aims to stop the branding of America by changing the way information flows; the way institutions wield power; the way television stations are run; and the way the food, fashion, automobile, sports, music, and culture industries set agendas. With a courageous and compelling voice, Lasn deconstructs...
As my title indicates, Culture Jam is a very important book for our times. Not many people are happy these, days, and most people are quick to point out that there's just something "wrong" with the way the world works. In Culture Jam, Lasn identifies many of the wrongs of the world in this critique of American/Multinational corporate and media power. If you've ever been treated unfairly by a large corporation, or if you're...
This book is a must read! A book of this kind is long overdue. For those people who have a deep dislike of commercialism and this materialistic society we live in, this book is for you. We have all been brainwashed by the media in one way or another. That is why the majority of the people around you are getting more disfunctional, emotional, and crazy; because the images pushed into our subconsciousness by television is damaging...
culture jam shows the shallowness and destructiveness of our american culture that has been designed to keep us buying cra we dont need and our minds dormant of critical thought. for a long time i have known that i really dont need new nikes at the mall, and lasn shows us why we think we need them, and the steep environmental and cultural price we pay for overconsumption. after reading this book you no longer know these ideas...
A brilliant diagnosis of what's wrong with the consumer-capitalist lifestyle, and what we can do to opt out of the madness -- one jammer at a time. With the same energy and passion that can be found in the pages of Adbusters, this book is a call to action for anyone who's ever felt beaten down by "The Man". Lasn conveys his unique vision of turning the system against itself in a way that can inspire even the most jaded...
This book is a call to arms for all the people who feel that the overconsumptive ways of our consumer culture have become overbearing. Kalle Lasn has a lot of good ideas and a couple of cool ways to resist authority and corporate domination in our everyday lives. I think anyone today can relate to his arguements on some level. It is time we reclaim democracy and think about the long term affects that our actions will...