In the small village of Sue o Bay, famous for its mysterious crystals and legendary Moon Creatures, friends Ollie, Kay, Jenna and Sleeves go searching for a secret and powerful crystal.
When Ollie's grandpa becomes ill and Ollie faces the possibility of having to leave his home in Sue o Bay, he and his friends set off on a race against time to find the legendary mother crystal known for its incredible healing powers. What they don't know is that a secret group of crystal keepers have dedicated themselves to guarding the cave that holds the mother crystal. If Ollie doesn't take the crystal, he won't be able to cure his grandpa. But if he does, the power of the crystal could shift the balance of the island and destroy Sue o Bay.
Can Ollie face his fears and make an impossible choice? This is the fifth book in the Sue o Bay Adventures series, following Shadow Island, Otter Lagoon, Hermit Hill and Candle Point.