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GamesTilman wrote these books over a number of year, mostly between expeditions to some of the more remote places in the world. They read as if they were written yesterday - Tilman comes across as both laconic and erudite, but also with a lot of dry humor. This is a great collection of his books and as one who enjoys both sailing and travelling (and reading about climbing rather than doing it) I found these books particularly enjoyable...
Hands down the best book of it kind. Tilman picked up the trail where Joshua Slocum packed it in and added climbing to the adventure. You'll want to pick up your ice-ax and practise bowlines for a Spring voyage to South Georgia or Greenland.
Bill Tilman was an unbelievable man and his writings provide an unforgetable image of a bygone age. I love his dry sense of humour and matter of fact descriptions of perilous situations. His real life exploits are absolutely unbelievable. From being wounded twice in the first world war, to a coffee planter in Kenya, to cycling across africa in the 1930s, climbing Kilimanjaro, Mt Kenya and the Ruwenzori, the first ascent of...
By reding Tilman's books one can travel staying comfortably home, his descriptions are so precise and complete that one can really imagine to have travelled by his side. But his accounts makes also rise the desire of adventure and of being as much as possible outdoors and in contact with nature. I would also like to ask everyone who has read one book or more by Tilman to contact me, because I am writing my degree thesis on...
There have been several attempts to produce a biography of Bill Tilman. As one who travelled with him, his own words - republished here intact - are the best possible biog.