After a life-changing journey in book one, Annie is ready to open the next chapter of her destiny. Her charted path seems to be on course. However, politics and suspense intervene, causing lives to be changed and plans to unravel.
The island of Mallorca off the coast of Spain offers the perfect refuge from the conflict. In the midst of the King's Cup Regatta and the Night of the Pilgrims Pilgrimage, a wedding is planned. Annie's journey has produced the man of her dreams and the happy couple welcomes family and friends from their different worlds to celebrate their union.
Once gathered, hidden facts are revealed and alliances are broken or formed, culminating in a series of crossroads leading to choices to be made and the potential for those who, through fate or destiny, happened to have joined Annie's journey and found destiny of their own.
"A soul-stirring portrait of a couple's journey and lovely union. It includes eccentric, fresh characters whose lives are examined in detail and stunning settings that readers will love." --Edith Wairimu for Readers' Favorite 5*
"The story is beautifully written by a gifted writer, and I was captivated from the start. I was taken on a vivid journey through mesmerizing scenery, political drama, and romance." --Alma Boucher for Readers' Favorite 5*
The Compelling Sequel to Beyond the Sea: Annie's Journey into the Extraordinary
The Compelling Sequel to Beyond the Sea: Annie's Journey into the Extraordinary