The civil servant Ivan Matveich and his wife Yelena Ivanovna are spectators of an exhibition - in a shopping arcade - of a crocodile owned by a German, when Ivan is suddenly swallowed alive by the animal. Unsuccessful in his attempts to be freed from his prison, due to the...
The tongue-in-cheek "true story" follows a civil servant who suddenly gets swallowed alive by a crocodile -- but he survives, carrying on his duties and preaching socialist theories from within the crocodile's belly. Dostoevsky is best known for his understanding of the dark...
The story relates the events that befall one Ivan Matveich when he, his wife Elena Ivanovna, and the narrator visit the Arcade to see a crocodile that has been put on display by a German entrepreneur. After teasing the crocodile, Ivan Matveich is swallowed alive. He finds the...
"The Crocodile" is a short story by Fyodor Dostoyevsky that was first published in 1865 in his magazine Epoch.The story relates the events that befall one Ivan Matveich when he, his wife Elena Ivanovna, and the narrator visit the Arcade to see a crocodile that has been put on...
When you want to read in both Russian and English, though, there
"The Crocodile" is a short story by Fyodor Dostoyevsky that was first published in 1865 in his magazine Epoch. The story relates the events that befall one Ivan Matveich when he, his wife Elena Ivanovna, and the narrator visit the Passage on Nevsky Avenue to see a crocodile that...
"The Crocodile" is a short story by Fyodor Dostoyevsky that was first published in 1865 in his magazine Epoch. The story relates the events that befall one Ivan Matveich when he, his wife Elena Ivanovna, and the narrator visit the Arcade to see a crocodile that has been put on...
Full text. Usually interpreted as a diatribe against the Chernyshevsky generation, and as a parody of the fate of the Russian socialist writer Nikolai Chernyshevsky, The Crocodile is a work that is often referred to, but rarely read. The story relates...
The Crocodile: An Extraordinary Incident is a satirical short story written by the renowned Russian author Fyodor Dostoyevsky. The story revolves around a bizarre incident where a man named Ivan Matveich finds himself swallowed by a crocodile while visiting a zoo with his wife...
""The Crocodile: An Extraordinary Incident"" is a satirical short story by the renowned Russian author Fyodor Dostoyevsky. The story follows the bizarre and comedic misadventures of Ivan Matveich, a civil servant who becomes trapped inside the belly of a crocodile after a visit...
"The Crocodile" is a short story by Fyodor Dostoyevsky that was first published in 1865 in his magazine Epoch. The story relates the events that befall one Ivan Matveich when he, his wife Elena Ivanovna, and the narrator visit the Passage on Nevsky Avenue to see a crocodile that...
"The Crocodile" is a short story by Fyodor Dostoyevsky that was first published in 1865 in his magazine Epoch. A true story of how a gentleman of a certain age and of respectable appearance was swallowed alive by the crocodile in the Arcade, and of the consequences that followed. The...
""The Crocodile: An Extraordinary Incident"" is a satirical short story written by the renowned Russian author, Fyodor Dostoyevsky. The story is centered around a man named Ivan Matveich who, while visiting a shopping arcade, is suddenly swallowed whole by a crocodile that is...
The Crocodile is a great piece of satire, suppressed in the Soviet Union and largely ignored in the West. This wild lampoon is vicious and satirical, dreamlike, and one of the funniest things that Dostoevsky ever wrote. During the Soviet period it was not published separately...