C?mo ser?a seguir a Jes?s con todo tu ser?
Cristo en nosotros es un recurso actualizado que incorpora componentes clave de Vida Discipular, el cual ha ayudado a cientos de miles de cristianos a progresar en muchas disciplinas clave de la fe, como la oraci?n, la pureza personal, la vida en la Palabra, la testificaci?n y muchas otras. Este nuevo recurso est? escrito para una nueva generaci?n de creyentes. El contenido es sencillo pero exhaustivo. Los ejercicios toman de 15 a 20 minutos por d?a e incluyen la memorizaci?n de un vers?culo de la Escritura asignado cada semana. Los ejercicios son a menudo experienciales y requieren que los participantes sean vulnerables y reflexionen sobre cada esfera de su ser, escuchando c?mo el Esp?ritu Santo revela aplicaciones personales. Este conocimiento se puede compartir en las sesiones de grupo como una forma de enfatizar la autenticidad y aumentar la responsabilidad. Un excelente recurso para ayudar a las personas a avanzar hacia la madurez en Cristo y obtener la victoria sobre las ?reas de debilidad, Cristo en nosotros es apropiado tanto para nuevos cristianos como para creyentes experimentados. Este estudio incluye contenido impreso para 12 sesiones, estudio personal entre las sesiones de grupo, Escritura aplicable, «C?mo usar este estudio , una gu?a para el l?der, consejos para dirigir un grupo y un ap?ndice con muchas herramientas ?tiles para tu discipulado, adem?s de cinco sesiones adicionales recomendadas.Incluye:
12 sesiones en grupos peque?os, m?s una introducci?n y cuatro sesiones adicionales. Oportunidades de estudio personal cinco d?as a la semana para un crecimiento espiritual continuo. Memorizaci?n b?blica. Formaci?n en evangelismo. Gu?a para el l?der. Sesi?n opcional de celebraci?n y taller de oraci?n.
What would it be like to follow Jesus with your entire being?
Avery Willis's MasterLife has helped hundreds of thousands of Christians progress in many key disciplines of the faith, including prayer, personal purity, living in the Word, witnessing, and others. This updated resource incorporates key components from the original version but is written for a new generation of believers. The content is simple but comprehensive. Exercises take 15 to 20 minutes per day and include memorizing an assigned Scripture verse each week. The exercises are often experiential and require participants to be vulnerable and reflect on every realm of their being--listening as the Holy Spirit reveals personal applications. This insight can then be shared in group sessions as a way to emphasize authenticity and increase accountability. An excellent resource to help persons move toward maturity in Christ and gain victory over areas of weakness, MasterLife Together is appropriate for both new Christians and experienced believers. The MasterLife Together Bible Study Book includes printed content for 12 sessions, personal study between group sessions, applicable Scripture, "How to Use This Study," a leader guide, tips for leading a group, and an appendix with many helpful tools for your discipleship, plus five additional recommended sessions. Features: 12 small group sessions, plus an introduction and four additional sessions Personal study opportunities five days each week for ongoing spiritual growth Scripture memorization Evangelism training Leader guide Optional celebration session and prayer workshopBenefits:
Learn what it means to follow Jesus holistically as a committed disciple of Jesus Christ. Give yourself to God in full and willing surrender. Develop a habit of being in God's Word, hearing from Him, and growing in intimacy. Deepen your prayer life through praise, thanksgiving, confession, and listening to God. See the value of Christ-centered community to deepen and strengthen your individual walk with Jesus. Share what God is doing in your life through personal evangelism. Understand the work that the Holy Spirit is doing in your life and learn to cooperate with His leadership in all of life. Allow your thoughts and emotions to be shaped and conformed to the image of God in Christ Jesus. Gain an understanding of how your faith relates to your physical body. Enter relationships with other Christians seeking to love and serve them well through healthy communication and giving and receiving forgiveness. Participate fully in the mission of Ch