Dave Robicheaux investigates the disappearance of a young Creole woman, while an oil well blowout in the Gulf of Mexico threatens to destroy the cherished beauty of the Louisiana bayous in this gripping thriller. Set against the events of the Gulf Coast oil spill, rife with "the...
"America's best novelist" James Lee Burke returns with another New York Times bestselling entry in the Dave Robicheaux thriller series ( The Denver Post ). Set against the events of the Gulf Coast oil spill, rife with "the menaces of greed and violence and man-made horror" (...
"America's best novelist" James Lee Burke returns with another New York Times bestselling entry in the Dave Robicheaux thriller series (The Denver Post). Set against the events of the Gulf Coast oil spill, rife with "the menaces of greed and violence...
"America's best novelist" James Lee Burke returns with another New York Times bestselling entry in the Dave Robicheaux thriller series (The Denver Post). Set against the events of the Gulf Coast oil spill, rife with "the menaces of greed and violence...
"America's best novelist" James Lee Burke returns with another New York Times bestselling entry in the Dave Robicheaux thriller series (The Denver Post). Set against the events of the Gulf Coast oil spill, rife with "the menaces of greed and violence...