""Costal, The Indian Zapotec: A Tale Of Mexico, During The War Of Independence"" is a historical novel written by Gabriel Ferry in 1857. The story is set in Mexico during the War of Independence and follows the life of Costal, an Indian Zapotec. The novel explores the struggles...
""Costal, The Indian Zapotec: A Tale Of Mexico, During The War Of Independence"" is a historical fiction novel written by Gabriel Ferry and originally published in 1857. The story takes place in Mexico during the early 1800s, specifically during the Mexican War of Independence...
""Costal, The Indian Zapotec: A Tale Of Mexico, During The War Of Independence"" is a historical fiction novel written by Gabriel Ferry and published in 1857. The story is set in Mexico during the War of Independence and follows the life of Costal, an Indian Zapotec who becomes...