I was amazed at several of the reviews here which give this book a low rating. They say it was "unreadable", "silly" "garbage" and other such put-downs, just because they were unable to comprehend it. This book has so many levels to it that many people WON'T get it (unfortunately) but just because quantum equations look like a bunch of scribbles to me, I don't go around referring to quantum physics as "silly" "garbage". ...
So many threads come together in this well-written book that it's all a bit overwhelming at first. His style is witty, honest, compelling and addictive and subjects range from mysteries & magick to self-improvement and life extension. I enjoyed the many similarities in style & subject matter with some of my other favourite authors like Stuart Wilde, U. S. Andersen and Colin Wilson. It has also a kindled an interest...
I think this was one of the first R.A. Wilson books I read. I had heard of his work through some of my more "unusual" friends, and thought that this would be just another one of those boring new-age guru self-help trips. I started to read it at a park next to the book store. Two chapters later it was getting cold, so I began to walk home, still reading the book as I went. I spent the rest of the day reading the rest of...
Cosmic Trigger is as hard to categorize as it is enjoyable to read.Wilson ties together strands as diverse as qauntum theory,psychology,occultism and good old down to earth skepticism into a fascinating tapestry.Readers may be offended, shocked, or incredulous,but they will also be entertained and ,more likely than not,stimulated from this experience.The main strentgh of Wilsons writing is his ability to offer the reader...