Les Misrables , de Victor Hugo fut publie en 1862, et constitue un des grands sommets de la littrature franaise, tout en rigeant une puissante peinture de la vie Paris et en province pendant le XIX e sicle. Loeuvre nous est livre en cinq parties, agglutines autour de la figure...
L'action de roman se d roule en France au cours de la premi re moiti du xixe si cle, encadr e par les deux grands combats que sont la bataille de Waterloo (1815) et les meutes de juin 1832. On y suit, pendant cinq tomes, la vie de Jean Valjean, de sa sortie du bagne jusqu'...
"Les Mis rables - Volume II" from Victor Hugo. French poet, playwright, novelist, essayist, visual artist and statesman (1802-1885).
The second volume of five that comprise Victor Hugo's masterpiece Les Miserables. Each volume is lightweight-a more friendly and convenient approach than a 1,200-page version; and legible-no squinting required.The five books that complete this set can be found simply by copying...
In Les Mis rables Victor Hugo takes readers deep into the Parisian underworld, immerses them in a battle between good and evil, and carries them onto the barricades during the uprising of 1832. Within his dramatic story are themes that capture the intellect and the emotions:...
En esta segunda parte de los Miserables, el autor presenta un retrato de Jean Valjean, un hombre bueno pero que fue condenado a prisi n por haber robado pan para alimentar a su familia. Estando en prisi n el hombre intenta varias veces escapar por lo que su condena crece en cada...
One of the most widely read novels of all time, Les Miserables was the crowning literary achievement of Victor Hugo's stunning career. includes unique vintage illustrations.
Few novels ever swept the world with such overpowering impact as "Les Miserables". Sensational, dramatic, packed with rich excitement and filled with the sweep and violence of human passions, "Les Miserables" is not only a superb adventure but a powerful social document. The...
(Book Jacket Status: Jacketed) Sensational, dramatic, packed with rich excitement and filled with the sweep and violence of human passions, LES MISERABLES is not only superb adventure but a powerful social document. The story of how the convict Jean-Valjean struggled to escape...