Stochastic Process Algebra and Stability Analysis of Collective Systems.- Modelling MAC-Layer Communications in Wireless Systems (Extended Abstract).- Coordinating Phased Activities while Maintaining Progress.- Inference of Global Progress Properties for Dynamically Interleaved Multiparty Sessions.- Pattern Matching and Bisimulation.- Component-Based Autonomic Managers for Coordination Control.- Multi-threaded Active Objects.- Scheduling Open-Nested Transactions in Distributed Transactional Memory.- Peer-Based Programming Model for Coordination Patterns.- Decidability Results for Dynamic Installation of Compensation Handlers.- Probabilistic Modular Embedding for Stochastic Coordinated Systems.- ByteSTM: Virtual Machine-Level Java Software Transactional Memory.- The Future of a Missed Deadline.- Event Loop Coordination Using Meta-programming.- Interactive Interaction Constraints.- Towards Distributed Reactive Programming.- Typing Progress in Communication-Centred Systems.